Our boutiques can be found in the most exclusive shopping streets of Rome, Milan, Venice, Cortina, Porto Cervo, St. Moritz and New York.
780 Madison Avenue
+1 646 6495769
Via dei Condotti, 69
+39 06.6781078
33a Albemarle Street, London W1S 4BP
+44 (0) 2074080388
Via S. Andrea 7
+39 02.794835
Via XXII Marzo 2381
+39 041.5204276
Via Serlas 27
Printemps Department Store, Ground floorK1

Our Care
Selling your treasures
At Eleuteri we select our jewelry according to design, quality, and provenance. If you believe to possess an item that may match our criteria, please do not hesitate in contacting us to set up an appointment at info@eleuteri.nyc.
Please bare in mind that the seller’s privacy is of highest concern to us, hence all transactions shall be kept confidential.
Direct sale
For transparency matters in tutelage of the seller, it is recommended that the latter declare the desired compensation for his/her item (at least approximately). A member of the Eleuteri family will evaluate your proposal and hopefully your unworn treasure/s will be ready for a new life.
Alternatively, we may discretely accept your item/collection on consignment, where they can be readily presented to our international clientele. Once a sale is completed, you will be notified and compensation will be immediate. We assume total responsibility for the care and custody of your jewelry.
Contact us by email at info@eleuteri.nyc